Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's Complicated

This will be the only post EVER about my ex-boyfriend/father of my daughter. I know that when you put things on the Internet, you can't take those words back. Besides who knows who reads these things.

I met my daughters father when I went to work for a local cab company. I had just gotten my car repossessed and wanted a job where I could drive. I went in and filled out an application and basically got the job within a week. My first night working, I met a few of the drivers and mostly they seemed nice at first. I think I met Ken on the first night. When you have no jobs there was a taxi stand at a certain place where all the taxi's go to wait for the next job. I saw two guys waving over to me. I got out of my car and I met John M and Ken. A couple good looking men. I knew they were older than me. I don't even remember what the conversation was. I DO remember then telling me to look out for a certain dispatcher who worked nights. She was rough with me but eventually we got over our differences and became friends.

At the end of my shift, Ken was the one to show me how to balance the time sheet and how to calculate tips, etc. He seemed like a really nice guy. I should mention that I just got dumped by a guy I REALLY liked before I took this job. So I guess I was on the rebound. One night a few weeks into being a cab driver, I worked nights, I had a fare in the center of town. Guy seemed to be okay. I asked where he was going and he said "North -----". Okay, I drove in that direction. I get to the region of the town and I ask for an address. He said the 7-11. I told him there was no 7-11 in this part of town. He kinda argued with me. Then I realized he was either drunk or high. I told him the only 7-11 was on the West side of town. He replied yeah that's what I said. Which was clearly not the case. He started to scare me and I basically freaked out. I didn't know what to do. I called over the radio for someone to please help me out. Ken answered that he would meet me at a local restaurant to swap passengers. Before I got to the meeting point I heard an ungodly noise. I asked if he had just thrown up in my car. He started to cry. (I'm not good with vomit) Anyways, I got him to the restaurant and he got out of my car and into Kens car. To which the guy passed out before he got to his destination. So glad I didn't take him as the kid had drugs on him and another guy waiting for him at the 7-11 asked Ken if he wanted free drugs.

Crisis averted for me. Ken became my hero in a sense. We started talking at work then hung out a couple times then it was all over work that there was a thing between us. (Very gossipy work environment.) I started working there around April of 2010. Ken works at the cab company for the winter caddies on Martha's Vineyard for the Spring/Summer/Fall. While he was away I visited 2-3 times while he was out there. Stay for a night or two and return home.

We started to drift apart during the Fall of 2010. We started to fight back and forth. True there was another guy. I can admit to that. Some other guy at the same cab company took a liking to me and was way more outgoing and into the same things I was. However he was a divorced father of two. After he got a DUI with his kids in the car it went downhill and it came out that he was an alcoholic. I stopped talking to him Jan of 2011. Before I stopped talking to him, I wound up pregnant. For the entire nine months, I didn't know who the father was. It was a bad mistake on my part. I had NEVER two timed anyone I was dating before. Not only did I have to come clean to my Roman/Irish/Catholic mother about being pregnant, but I had to tell her I didn't know who the father of my baby was. I calculated the times I was intimate with each guy and it was leaning more towards Julia being Ken's daughter.

After Julia was born, Ken sent away for a paternity test. Ironically the same place that Maury Povich Show uses. Well we found out Ken IS THE FATHER! So that mystery was solved. It was a big mistake to not use protection as I would have never wanted to be stuck with Ken my whole life. To this day he annoys me and knows how to push my buttons and I believe he takes great joy in doing so.

Every time we go out nowadays he has to start some sort of argument over child support. I filed after Julia was born and he tells me all the time how much a mistake it was to do that. How I won't be getting any money from him as it all goes to the state of Massachusetts. I just don't want to listen to him go on and on about it. Whats done is done. Whatever the next step is, I'll give it the attention then. As of now the case is open but I haven't received any information. He loves to tell my mother things I write on Facebook to see if that starts a fight between my mother and I. He takes things without asking. Today he went into my bathroom and took out the scale in the bathroom closet without asking my mother. Yes, it's little and shouldn't be a major issue. I guess I was brought up differently.

I could go on and on about his shortcomings. As I sat here and wrote all of how we came to be, I have calmed down. I can't write on here everything that makes me mad about him. I'm going to take a step back and become the mature one.

I may mention him in future post but nothing further of my opinion about him. He is not my ideal person to be with. I just ask that he is there for his daughter, which he has proven he will be. When he starts on me, I try and bite my tongue. Some days I can let it roll off my back, other days I'm not so lucky.



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